Thursday, 14 April 2011

Five Tips on How to Write a Great Love Letter

Here are some guidelines for writing a love letter: 1. Be complimentary 2. Be Strong - Talk Possibility 3. Count the U's 4. Ask for Nothing 5. Poetry 1. Be complimentary A love letter is a testimonial that you can see the whole of your loved one, not just the fuzzy surface they may think you see, but the smelly sox, the bald patch and the wart on the end of their nose. A love letter is a chance to mention that you see them... you see them as they present themselves, as they love to see themselves, but equally important as they are...

Friday, 25 March 2011

love break up

Have you ever had your love break up? If yes, Then you know how painful it can be. If you took the time out needed after a love breakup and you thought out the past event you probably saw the signs that you missed before. If you have recognized the signs you need to remember those signs, then it will be easier to recognize the signs of an impending love break up faster. Also being capable of identifying these signs will be an excellent aid in getting your love back. The lack of physical contact is a sure sign of a coming love breakup. Now i'm not just talking about sex. If there is a sudden loss of interest in sex by your partner then this is a good sign that a break up may be coming. Remember though that in the natural flow of a relation that there are times in a relationship that there...

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Kiss. . . . . . On Your First dat :-)

At some point everyone gets nervous about getting the first kiss on a date. It may feel really awkward to make a move on a hot girl you met recently. You probably don't want her to feel disrespect...

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Have you ever had your love break up?

Have you ever had your love break up? If yes, Then you know how painful it can be. If you took the time out needed after a love breakup and you thought out the past event you probably saw the signs that you missed befo...

Saturday, 12 March 2011

The First Love . . . . . . . . .

"First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity."...says George Bernard Shaw. Actually the adolescent mind is full of curiosity and it finds mystery in almost every event of the world. Therefore when the emotion of love, attraction of mental and physical desires occur for the first time the curiosity and rebelliousness reaches to its height and often attempts something really radical. People say first love is one of the most uniquely unforgettable thi...

Do you believe Love at First Sight

  You are walking along the corridor, engrossed in your own world. You don't see the girl approaching from the other side. As she passes you, the strap of his backpack gets caught in your file. In an instant, it slips out of your hand and drops to the ground. Papers fly out and scatter all over the floo...

Falling in Love

There's something about falling in love that makes it feel like first love. It has the sweetness of flowers and clouds and deep soul connection. It's fresh, because it's new and filled with wonders and wondrous feelings to explore. Even if you're falling in love for the second, third or even fourth time, it can feel like first love. We all know that's true. That's why flowers as a love token are so universally given. But what is it about falling in love that makes it so brand ne...

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